The West Garfield Park Youth Leadership Council is comprised of thirty (30) youth from the community who plan activities and events that address the key needs and concerns facing their peers and community.
Youth Council Leadership: David Elam - President Emeritus, Vernisha Jones - President, Hinisha Malone - Vice-President, Daziya Benion - Secretary, Ari Bates - Treasurer, Nya Cotton - Sergeant Of Arms, Kianna Spearman - Parliamentarian, plus working committees which include the following:
Promoting Drug-Free and Non-Violence activities within the West Garfield Park Community ...
Getting the message out is important to us on all types of Violence and Drug-Free Prevention strategies,we continuously promote the following topics in our community:
Some of the youth from the West Garfield Youth Council participated in the "911 Youth" event on Sunday, July 27 at Lively Stone Baptist Church.This event included praise dancing, singing hip hop, spoken word, and inspirational R&B songs. Everyone that participated had a lovely time and enjoyed meeting and greeting other youth for the same purpose which is to promote a better community and keep the drugs and children off the street.
Youth Leaders : Vernisha Jones (left) and Jackie Lawson (right) participated in the "911 Youth" event and were pictured with a Chicago Inspirational Teen Singer; Darion Baker (18). Him and two other male teens, Donte Smith (19) and Elliot Foster (19) join their voices together to Promote a Safe and Drug Free Community for everyone. It's all about the youth, Darion states.
*For Additional Information, feel free to contact us @ 773-287-5821*
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